What Do Your Floors Say About You?

What Do Your Floors Say About You?

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Well, if you have great looking floors, then you are someone that definitely cares! Not only do you care but also you continue to show your best effort even when situations get messy. Really, when you walk into a person’s home or a place of business with dirty floors, it might make you change your opinion about them. Bottom line, having dirty floors will not enhance your relationships with other people.

Conversely, does it really matter that the hardwood floors look a bit dull, or the black grout was not the original grout color of choice? Well, I think it does matter because no matter what material the flooring is made of regular cleaning is necessary. Of course, for hygienic and health reasons routine cleaning is a must, but your natural stone or hardwood floors are an investment. Like any investment you should protect it from future mishaps and ensure that it receives the care that it needs.

Equally important, dirt creeps up on us over time and we assimilate to having darker floors until it gets so bad that people start to complain. Look at the pictures in this blog and see how quickly floors darkens from dirt accumulation. Then, I usually get a call to remove months (sometimes years) of caked on dirt. Life gets so busy, finding the time to really give your floors a good clean can be tough.

Don't worry, it happens for a number of reasons; take the time to evaluate your own floors. Figure out if repairs are needed. Also, determine what you want your floors to look like in the future and if you want to take a low maintenance or high maintenance approach to it. Regardless of what you decide, you can have gorgeous looking floors because you are a person that truly cares!

For questions, call Elite Floor and Furniture Cleaning at 480.710.4110

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