Ring out the Dirt this New Year!

Ring out the Dirt this New Year!

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Holiday fun left some lingering dirt and allergens around the house.  This year, how about adding to your home’s overall cleanliness as one of your New Year’s resolutions!  Here’s some tips for success:

1. Shoes Stays in One Place


Taking your shoes off as soon as you enter your home, greatly reduces the debris in your home.  Just think your shoes have walked everywhere!  Even public bathrooms!  You don’t want to bring unnecessary bacteria, dirt, dust, and allergens to your home.  These particles are very attractive to insects who will enjoy residing in your flooring and comfy carpets.  This year, you might start by having a designated area to place them. (Kudos to you if you already do this!)

2. Vacuum/Sweep More Often

Just a little pick up is helpful!  Try vacuuming/ sweeping or using your iRobot more rigorously in areas where there is heavier traffic on the weekends.  These are areas in front of the doors and walk ways.


3. Sweep before Mopping

If you don’t sweep before mopping, the dirt and debris can just get pushed around rather than actually cleaned.

4. Clean Up After Your Pets

Ava Kissel and Kitten

Sometimes it’s too late to clean up after your pets.  You might find the smell of dry urine in your carpet days later.  Especially with a new liter of kittens.  How can you get upset at any pet that adorable!  Pet urine can ultimately damage your carpet.  If you can’t remove the odor and stain on your own, then it’s a good time to call Elite Floor and Furniture Cleaning.

5. Mats, mats, mats

While there’s no way to fully keep debris out, you can start with a mat inside as well as outside.  People need a place where they can brush off their shoes before tracking debris inside.  Mats at every entryway in your home are the best.  The more mats, the better.

Don’t skimp on choosing cheaper mats, either. You need thick mats and keep a backup mat, in case you need to switch out when one set gets too dirty. Clean the mats weekly.  Pictured below are some durable mats I cleaned.  Before on the left and after cleaning on the right.

Mat Before
After mat was cleaned

6. Cleanliness is Healthy!


Whatever your method is for eliminating dirt in your home, it’s important to keep it clean at all times.  Vacuuming removes dirt and dust, but many problem areas do not get the attention they deserve.

Problem areas are breeding grounds where dust and pollen accumulate which can trigger allergies and asthma.  Deep in your carpet or flooring, allergens and bacteria get trapped, thus, exposing you to them.

If you are someone who is sensitive to environmental allergens, biannual carpet or flooring cleanings would definitely be helpful to you!

Contact us today for a FREE quote!

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