Despite the small gatherings for Thanksgiving this year, I’m REALLY looking forward to it! After all its has been one H- E- double hockey sticks of a year! I already know I have a lot to be thankful for. Plus, I’m grateful for many things that I’ve taken for granted: my health, access to the internet and most importantly, that I have the tools to get out cranberry sauce and turkey grease! We’ve all been looking forward to this meal all year, so don’t fret over stains because I’m here to help you out.

Enjoy your meal with your loved ones, even if it has to be virtual! Then, worry about stains afterwards. May it be gravy, desserts or anything else that was delicious on your plate, I’ve got some Thanksgiving clean up tips for you.

Cleaning high traffic areas, kitchen, stairs, hallways and front door.
Thanksgiving Clean Up Tips:
- For carpet stains: Use a damp cloth to absorb as much of the fluid as possible. Liquid messes need to be cleaned up quickly before it penetrates the carpet fibers.
- The following is a common cleaning solution to make at home. Mix about a spoonful of liquid hand dishwashing detergent with two to three tablespoons of white vinegar with two cups of warm water. (The amount of vinegar will depend on how stubborn the stain is.)
- Then, apply the solution using a clean rag to the affected area, blotting frequently with a dry rag until the stain disappears.
- End the cleaning with cold water to stop the spread of the stain and blot dry.

For tile and grout stains:
The main problem is with the grout; it easily absorbs greasy spills making it a target for staining. Use hot water and scrub with with a soft toothbrush. I advise AGAINST using a vinegar solution because vinegar is acidic and grout is so porous. This combination can erode the grout making it more vulnerable to staining in the future.
To ensure your tile and grout look great, I recommend having your tile and grout sealed to resist future stains and dirt. If you prefer a more comprehensive cleaning, call or text me to schedule your post Thanksgiving cleaning service, at 480.710.4110 Email